Kuva Kuva

Club-info in english

Jäseneksi liittyminen, säännöt, yhteystiedot jne.

Valvojat: Käyttäjä, Johtoporsas

Vastaa Viestiin
Viestit: 508
Liittynyt: Ma Marras 01, 2004 9:49 am
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Club-info in english

Viesti Kirjoittaja Panu »

SLCK -briefly in English

SLCK, Suomen Land Cruiser-klubi ry., is the Finnish Toyota Land Cruiser Assosiation.
Diesel Land Cruisers are fairly common in Finland. This club has been founded to bring together Finnish Toyota Land Cruiser owners to share information about their vehicles and how to modify and to use them for the best.

Club has been groving ever since its foundation in 1998, reaching the milestone of 200 members in the year 2005. We even have some members from other countries.

If you're interested in Cruiser related events in Finland, willing to invite us to an event abroad or contacting the club on other matters
Look for the email-addresses an other contact information of the clubs board members here http://slck.net/viewtopic.php?t=1632.

Preferrably, try contacting the membership manager via email at - vanttinen.mika at gmail.com - ramin.maili at gmail.com-
We do welcome any foreign Land Cruiser enthusiastics to participate in our events !
Vastaa Viestiin